
Olja Savičević Ivančević won prestigious Premier roman 2020 Award

Farewell, Cowboy by Olja Savičević Ivančević has just been awarded with the Premier roman 2020 Award! Published by JC Lattès and translated by Chloe Billon, Farewell, Cowboy has been chosen among seven translated titles as the best debut novel published in France. In the category of French authors, the laureate is Ketty Rouf and her novel On ne touche pas.

The jury of the prize described Farewell, Cowboy as ‘’spellbinding bildungsroman that offers a striking portrait of a lost generation’’. Published in Croatia in 2010, was translated into German, Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Slovenian, Serbian and Turkish, and this coveted literary prize is the last in the line of its international accolades.